Home / News / Calcium Carbonate Modification Machine helps improve the performance of rubber and coatings


Calcium Carbonate Modification Machine helps improve the performance of rubber and coatings

Calcium Carbonate Modification Machine treats calcium carbonate to optimize its performance through the following two main processes:
Surface modification:
The machine chemically treats calcium carbonate by adding surface modifiers (such as organosilicon compounds or other organic substances). These modifiers react with the surface of calcium carbonate particles to form a protective organic coating. This coating can change the surface properties of calcium carbonate from hydrophilic to lipophilic or hydrophobic, improving its dispersibility in organic matrices.

Efficient drying:
The machine uses an efficient drying system to quickly evaporate the water in calcium carbonate through hot air flow technology. During the drying process, the system can accurately control the temperature and humidity to ensure that the powder reaches the drying state, further improving its fluidity and dispersibility.

Calcium Carbonate Modification Machine has a significant help in improving the performance of rubber by improving the dispersibility and compatibility of calcium carbonate:

Enhanced mechanical properties:
The modified calcium carbonate has better dispersibility and can be evenly distributed in the rubber. This evenly distributed filler can enhance the mechanical strength, toughness and wear resistance of rubber. For example, the even distribution of fillers can improve the tensile strength and tear resistance of rubber and improve the durability of rubber products.

Improve processing performance:
Highly dispersed calcium carbonate can effectively reduce problems in rubber processing, such as agglomeration and uneven dispersion. This reduces resistance in processing, improves production efficiency, and reduces production costs.

Improve elasticity and flexibility:
The modified calcium carbonate can form a more uniform network structure in rubber, improving the elasticity and flexibility of rubber. This has a direct impact on the comfort and applicability of rubber products, such as automobile tires, seals, etc.

Reduce costs:
Calcium carbonate is a cheap filler, and its modification can effectively reduce the raw material cost of rubber products. At the same time, the modified calcium carbonate has better performance, which can reduce the use of other high-cost fillers in practical applications.

Calcium Carbonate Modification Machine also has a significant effect on improving the performance of coatings, which is specifically manifested in the following aspects:
Improve the smoothness and uniformity of the coating:
The modified calcium carbonate powder can be more evenly distributed in the coating, reducing the agglomeration of particles in the coating. This uniform distribution improves the smoothness and uniformity of the coating and ensures the appearance quality of the coating.

Enhance adhesion and durability:
Surface modification improves the compatibility of calcium carbonate with the coating matrix, thereby enhancing the adhesion of the coating. Modified calcium carbonate can better combine with the coating, improve the durability of the coating, and reduce the possibility of peeling and falling off.

Optimize the hiding power of the coating:
Highly dispersed calcium carbonate can effectively improve the hiding power in the coating, allowing the coating to better cover the underlying material or uneven surface. The improved hiding power can make the coating color more vivid and uniform, enhancing the visual effect of the coating.

Improve construction performance:
The modified calcium carbonate has better fluidity, making the coating easier to apply during construction. Good fluidity reduces bubbles and brush marks that appear during the construction of the coating, improving the construction quality.

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